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About Me

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my many faces
My name is Romeo Barnes. I'm an author and a BJJ black belt with cerebral palsy. This blog is about my life balancing existence in two worlds. My latest book, My World is now available Glad you're here, enjoy the journey.

Traveling with disabilities

As someone who has traveled up and down the east coast both as a competitor and coach I think it's time we cover an important of both the BJJ life and life with disability and how to actually do it, that topic is travel. Consider this a guide for the do's and dont's of travel. 1) Book Early- The earlier you book the cheaper it will be. And by early I dont mean a week. I mean as early as the company's system allows you to. Thats usually a month sometimes more. 2) Use loyalty programs- The use of loyalty points may make your stay cheaper or get your special perks like free meals or room upgrades. The staff is also more likely to be accomadating 3-Stay at the same place/chain-This is how you rack up the loyalty points mentioned in the last point. Especially you're visiting somewhere you've visited before, having acquaintances with the business can enhance your exprience. The front desk staff have a direct impact on how your experience rwmember them. They are the ones who initiate the calls for you to get the things you need. The names of front desk employees are just as important as the names of those in management. 4-Let your disability be known- This does not mean you make an announcement. Go check the bathroom in the room you were given and make sure it works for you and if it doesnt say something. If you need a shower stool or a bed lift let it be known. There's a comment section right before the submit button on every hotel website. Put your needed accomdations there. When you arrive at the front desk make sure all the accommadations you listed have been met to your satisfaction. 5- Figure out the type of traveler you are. Do you want to go see the sights or a you there for business purposes exclusively. This changes your preparation as the sightseer needs significantly for transportation to see the aforementioned sights. Plan for the experience you want. Until next time!


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