The title of this post, it's a phrase I hear a lot. Usually in the form of a question, "What do you do if he's got legs?" My response is usually something like "So what? He's got two extra limbs to attack." That is somewhat of a snarky answer, but it's true. Asking that question is the same as asking, "How do you shower?" However unlike, "How do you shower?" It's not a dumb question just a poorly phrased question. Ironically, both of these questions have the same answer. What you must understand is BJJ and every other martial art for that matter, is bio-mechanically perfect. They're all perfect at what they are specifically designed to do. Defend oneself under some given circumstance. The point is you'll never create "new Jiu-Jitsu" you'll only modify it to fit your level of strength, flexibility, agility, speed, etc. Ever wonder why people considered "innovators" like Ryan Hall, the Mendes bro...
The blog of a writer who happens to be a BJJ addict.