I haven't done this blogging thing in a little over 4 months. What have I been doing all this time you ask? Just after finishing my last book, which was released in August, when I was preparing to return to the mat I found out my coach Maguilla retired and shut down operations. While searching for another school I picked up streaming to cure the boredom(check out tomorrow's post to learn more about that). I had to continue the online promotion of my current product. I have been discussions about starting my own website(more on that as it develops). All while completing my first novel(which if you've been following this blog you have gotten a sneak preview of already) and my Associate's Degree in Business Administration. My 2019 goal is simple prepare everything so that my school and publishing company are running by 2020. I still want my Black Belt World title and my spot on New York Times best-seller list, but those are smaller goal in a much bigger plan. The are th...