I took six months away from the mat, only returning very recently in late April. That’s why blog posts have been even more sporadic than usual. Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time knows what time away means. A new book is on the horizon. The book is Secret Paradise. Here’s a preview(partial passage) Note: This passage takes place after James, the main character goes back to the gym he’s been training at since childhood after some time away. “How are you James?” I haven’t seen you in about six months.“ Master Johnson said. “I’m sorry about that Master, I’ve been doing well though.” I said. “Don’t apologize, it’s fine.” He said. “Who’s this?” Master Johnson asked, nodding toward Jose. I looked at Rob to see how I should respond. He gave me a nod of approval. “This is my partner Jose.” I said. “Oh hello.” Master Johnson said offering his hand to Jose for a handshake. “Hello sir.” Jose said timidly as he accepted the handshake. “Now that that’s out of the way, I...
The blog of a writer who happens to be a BJJ addict.