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Showing posts from May, 2015

About Me

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my many faces
My name is Romeo Barnes. I'm an author and a BJJ black belt with cerebral palsy. This blog is about my life balancing existence in two worlds. My latest book, My World is now available Glad you're here, enjoy the journey.

new idea- Behind the poetry

As all of you know, I am a writer. So I have an idea for a series called Behind the Poetry. In the series, I will select a poem from one of books, read it and then tell the story behind why it was written. The question is how to do it. That's where you, my readers, come in. I can do it here on the blog or on YouTube. Obviously, if do I it on the here the poem will be written. So comment below and let me know what format you prefer or if you want the segment at all. Thanks. Until next time

Old school vs New School

This post is a result of a speech given my by one of coaches on "YouTube shit." The gist of the speech was we don't teach "YouTube shit" so don't do it. This speech is common in many gyms as white and blue belts across the world watch youtube and want to copy the black belt world champions. The aforementioned speech brings up the issue of old school vs. new school. First we must define new school and old school techniques, for the sake of simplicity we will use generational examples. Old school will be closed guard and new school will be the berimbolo. Now we must define the specific techniques we chose. Closed guard the standard position where all attacks that come from the bottom originate. Berimbolo a sweep using the De La Riva hook designed primarily to take the back but has many variations which can lead to submissions. Okay, we now know that the De La Riva hook is required to be successful with the berimbolo. So how do establish the De La Riva hook...